Good Dumpster Etiquette At The Workplace
Posted on: 13 April 2016
If your businesses utilizes a dumpster to throw trash away, this service can help make garbage collection easier and more streamlined. In order for the process to work successfully and avoid unnecessary problems, there are a few things you and your employees should do to ensure that service runs smoothly. Follow these simple tips for a seamless garbage collection process that will help keep the exterior of your business trash free and make throwing things out simple.
Don't Overfill
When you throw trash into the dumpster, make sure that the lid stays all the way closed. Never stuff the dumpster with too much garbage and debris, or else the lid will remain pried open, causing a difficult time for the collection company to pick it up and dump it into the truck correctly. Lids that are not closed all the way may not be able to be serviced and you will be charged an additional fee for the collection company to return once the dumpster is filled up properly. Tightly closed lids also help prevent spilled trash and smells from escaping.
Clean Around The Dumpster
It's a good idea to regularly hose down the area around the dumpster so that it remains clean and tidy. Pick up any stray trash and throw it into a sealed or tied-off plastic bag before putting it in the dumpster. Proper cleaning can help maintain the appearance of your building, and it will also keep pests and insects from wanting to live there or infest your building. If there is a lot of smaller trash or debris lying around the base of the dumpster, use a large broom and dust pan to get everything gathered together, and then place it in the trash bag. Tie off all bags before dumping them to help keep smells to a minimum.
Be Aware Of Prohibited Items
Things like paint, oil, batteries, and electronics should never be placed in your dumpster. These items can be hazardous to the environment and require special disposal protocols. Ask your garbage collection company if they offer a separate recycling service for these types of items so you're disposing of them properly. Consider donating older computers and monitors to a charity rather than throwing them away. When it comes to bulk items like old office furniture, ask about special bulk collection services so you're not filling the dumpster up too quickly. Typically, bulk items should not be thrown into the dumpster since they require special handling. Follow these simple tips to ensure that garbage collection service from a company like Fly By Nite Disposal works best for your needs.